With twin girls comes a very pregnant wife. We are in our 26th week of pregnancy, and to my wife's credit, she is doing great! I can't give her enough credit and respect for what she's going through and the way that she's toughin' it out. I get tired and lethargic after eating a big meal, yet she's gaining lbs. by the week and managing to keep working everyday and maintaining a semi-active schedule. Impressive! But with her belly bulging and all of the baby "stuff" rolling through the door, it's now becoming apparent that I will soon have two dependents. And apparently dependents are very time-consuming. I've heard war stories from every parent that I come in contact with. The first thing they tell me after learning about my impending dependents is, "Have fun now, because you'll soon have no time to do anything anymore." But I thought I had no free time already! I don't think I can get less sleep than I already do, I don't play as much golf as I'd like, and I just spent an entire week with my parents AND in-laws. And things are going to get worse?! As every parent is eager to tell me, this is the beginning of the end of my slumber, nightlife, and any resemblence of a social life that I had left.
Have I mentioned that I'm having TWIN GIRLS? I thought my wife was expensive, but these girls haven't even seen the light of day and I'm dropping major dime on them already. Clothes, baby furniture, diapers, household safety items, and diaper genies are just some of the things that now syphon the benjamins out of my distressed bank account. BTW, for those single people out there, I recently discovered that diaper genie's are not nearly as intriguing or magical as their name makes them out to be. Anyway, I recently read an article that stated that it now costs a parent $250,000 to raise a child to the age of 18. That's ONE child and doesn't even include the cost of college! I've got TWO chil'n and their both girls. Does that mean I have to save for weddings as well? I'm no mathmetician, but I'm pretty sure that all adds up to bunches o' dough! Thus, my wallet tells me that this is the beginning of the end of fiscal freedom and financial stability.
This blog was the brilliant brain child of my caring, yet diabolical, sister. She's caring in that she wants to stay updated on the progress of our pregnancy, but don't let that fool you. She's diabolical because she knows that by forcing me to create this blog means that I have to keep contributing to it and updating it on a regular basis. As you can see, I'm not very concise, so this takes up some of the little free time that I have left. She enjoys adding to the growing number of gray hairs that seem to be gaining territory in the war against the brown hairs that reside on my cranium. However, I have the last laugh because she has to read this entire thing just to get to what she really wants to see. . . the ultrasound pictures and details of our latest doctors appointment. So to Jen's delight, this is the beginning to the end of this week's entry.
We had our fourth appointment with our "high-risk" specialist on Monday. We go to a high-risk specialist as a precaution. All multiple births are considered high-risk and are therefore referred to a specialist for several visits. The specialist has better high-tech ultrasound equipment and take very accurate measurements of the fetus's vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, and brain. They also measure the stomach, humerus (upper arm bone) and fibula (thigh bone). They check for movement, heart rate, and breathing. All of these measurements are taken and compared to averages and determinants for ailments, handicaps, or complications. So far, the twins' measurements have been in the normal ranges and have showed no signs of problems or complications. They are up to 1 lb. 14 oz. for Baby A and 1 lb. 11 oz. for Baby B.
There was a small issue with one of the twins kidney's that was discovered last month. The specialist discovered a possible case of Renal pelvic dilatation (RPD). This is the build up of fluid as it travels to the kidney due to an obstruction in the ureter. In rare instances, this can be a sign of Down's Syndrome. So, this had us slightly concerned, and we had our ultrasounds checked by a pediatric kidney specialist a few weeks ago. He simply said to wait it out and see if it gets better as it usually does in most cases. And to our delight, our appointment yesterday showed that her kidney is back to normal and neither one of them are showing any signs of RPD, or any complications for that matter.
So, there was nothing too exciting to report from our latest meeting with our specialist. But, stay tuned for next weeks entry as we visit our OBGYN and Emily has blood taken (which, if you know Emily, is always an adventure).
"It's double the giggles and double the grins...And double the trouble if you're blessed with twins."

If you'd like to join in on the fun, then go to:

Emily and I have started a pool to guess our delivery date and other fun facts.
FINALLY!!!! THANK YOU for doing this, I'm so excited. I bet you finally gave in b/c you were sick of the "how was the appointment" & "how's Emily feeling" and "you know I am THREE ultra sounds behind"!! Needless to say I'm completely excited and you guys are going to make AWESOME parents...I have to say we are going to make a pretty cool Aunt and Uncle too!
Love you guys,
jen & rick:)
I love the blog of my adorable little sweet peas!! You and Emily are going to make AWESOME parents, Jenny and Rick pretty cool Aunt and Uncle and Dad and I Grandparents that S-P-O-I-L!
Love All Four of You,
Mom & Dad
Soon to be Grandma & Grandpa :)
I agree with Jenny, I love the blog. Glad to hear that you two are doing well, I cannot imagine. I hope to see you soon, and keep posting, Mike!
Think of you!
Mike, I'm so glad you caved into Jenny's pressure and created this blog. It is awesome! I swear you should be a writer Mike, you always make me laugh (think raccoon). I loved seeing the ultrasound pictures and can't wait to read the updates each week. Sorry to be redundant, but I must agree with the above comments, you and Emily will make the best parent's ever. You are already an awesome aunt and uncle and it is evident how much you enjoy kids when I watch you interacting with your current nieces and nephews. You’re both just great!!!! I'm just so so so so very EXCITED for you both and the girls. Poor Indy – he doesn’t even know what’s coming.
Love to all 5 of you,
I love this,and I'm so happy that you included me on the list. I can't wait for the arrival of the girls. Your world will be turned upside down, but you will love every minute of it. I know that you will make remarkable parents and have to the best two sand volleyball players at Pinheads.. lol I'm excited to hear the rest of the story as it unfolds with the girls and your lives. You are two amazing people and will raise two amazing daughters.
Love and Miss Ya
Mike, you are so cute! I love the idea of the blog. We couldn't be happier for you both!
Allison & Ian
Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm glad you're putting your exceptional writing talents to good use, Mike!
We're so excited for you guys, you're going to love parenthood and wonder how you ever lived without your twins. It's been fun following your pregnancy adventures, and we're looking forward to sharing in your parenthood adventures. Can you say playdates?
Tyson & Courtney
PS, you're on our blogroll!
Now I think I understand what BLOG means . . . Beginning Life of Grins . . . You and Emily are so ready to share your love with what will be by far the most important and rewarding possessions in your life. Mom and I know that you will be fantastic parents and instill in your children the wonderful human qualities that both of you possess. In addition to teaching them, take time to learn from them as we do from the two of you every day. We couldn't be prouder of both of you and we know that our grandchildren will be training the best new parents imaginable. I know that most of my advice is questionable and usually ignored. However, I would offer the following three things for you to consider as new parents as I found all of these beneficial when you and your sister entered our lives. First and foremost, be patient and remember that creating "masterpieces" takes time and effort. Put your best work into your most cherished assets. Secondly, make time for each other (after all you do have several babysitters)and nights out alone will be more treasured than ever and finally, it is o.k. to listen to parenting advice, read books, consult talk shows and hear out know-it-all grandparents but remember that in the end, parenting is an art and not a science. When in doubt, rely on your instincts and do what you think is right. Don't be afraid to make mistakes (you will but the vast number of your parenting decisions will be spot on and far outnumber those infrequent "bad calls"). You both have great morals, values, intuition and expectations so put all of that stored value to use. Only the two of you can determine what is best for your new family. Sorry for the long winded mushy comments but you started this BLOG and I felt that I needed to be a part of it. After further thought, maybe BLOG stands for Better Lean On Grandparents. You know that we will be here for you whenever you need us.
Grandpa Lewis
Hey, your blog is awesome, as is all of your writings. I am glad to hear that 'so far so good' and I look forward to hanging out on Thursday, if you won't be stuck in front of a computer blogging!
--Josher and Hat
I love the BLOG...trying to figure out if I would have time to do this as well!! We are so excited for you both and hope that your pregnancy goes well. As a mother of two boys, I don't know much about little girls. I do know that my boys are the highlight of my day. My suggestion as a parent is get a regular notebook and every time you see or hear something about them that you want to remember forever, write it down. I tried to do the whole perfect picture album/scrapbook thing and I think I am two years behind. Time flies!! It may not be pretty, but you will always have those memories to read. Now, you will have two girls and I have two adorable boys. Can we say, matchmaking?? I hope we can catch up soon.
The Diamonds - Jared, Jessica, Jack (2 1/2 years) and Alec (9 months)
This is my first time to participate in a blog!! I love the twins pics, they are pretty amazing! TWINS will be double the fun for both of you, your families, and friends. You and Emily will make great parents - you both love children and have lots of patience. Know your families and friends will be here for you as needed, so don't be hesitent to call for help(sounds easy for us to say at 4 hours away)! We look forward to future pics, interesting/clever updates, the TWINS names, and to the day the TWINS come into the world!
Love you all,
Papa and Grandma Mraz
Mike & Emily,
The blog is awesome. Great idea. Hopefully, my wife won't get any ideas for me to start bloggin'. Ha ha. Amy and I are very happy for you both. More cousins for Ellie and Luke is fantastic. We really appreciate the double batch! I have a feeling that by the end of this year I will have witnessed the most NFL apparel (Colts for sure) ever adorned on newborns. Ol' Gunslinger said it best when he posted "Better Lean On Grandparents". You and Emily are lucky to have two great pairs of grandparents lined up: one set for home games and one set for road games.
Take care,
Jim Weckherlin
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